Building Management

Reducing wasted energy costs by automating systems to operate based on activity thresholds will increase building profitability and provide alerts that threaten system performance.

Partner Solutions


6IX for HVAC provides continuous monitoring, measurement, and analysis of the performance of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems in buildings. 6IX for HVAC collects data on factors such as temperature, vibration, flow, and energy usage.

6IX for Electric Motors

6IX for Electric Motors gathers data and information about the performance of industrial electric motors. 6IX identifies potential issues or faults, prevents unexpected downtime, and optimizes the efficiency of the motor.

Explore More Solutions

Splunk-trained edge hub domain expert partners architect and deliver industry-specific outcomes by tailoring the Splunk Edge Hub solution to critical business and operational challenges within their industries.

Get Started with Splunk R Edge Hub

Whether you are looking to monitor your edge devices, analyze edge data, or automate your edge operations, Splunk Edge Hub solutions will get you there faster. Get in touch with us today to learn more and take the first step towards edge computing success.

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